We will begin by mapping species within The United States, & move beyond from there- below are all the species found throughout the U.S.. Some species of Maple- like the Boxelder {Acer negundo} for instance- do not have “classic Maple leaf” shape- their leaves are compound like an Ash tree.
Maple {Acer sp.}; has “classic” helicopter seed pods
Sugar Maple {Acer saccharum} / Black Maple {Acer nigrum} / Red Maple {Acer rubrum} / Silver Maple {Acer saccharinum} / Bigleaf (Oregon) Maple {Acer macrophyllum}
Sycamore {Platanus sp.}; has globe-shaped {globose} seed pods
California Sycamore {Platanus racemosa} / American Sycamore {Platanus occidentalis} / Arizona Sycamore {Platanus wrightii}
Wild Willpower looks forward to filming experts & have them teach you firsthand the historical & traditional food, utility, & medicinal uses as well as Positive-Impact Harvesting Techniques for Manzanita so that we can help add to the content that is already on USDA.gov. We’re currently fundraising $ 450,000 to acquire our list of needed resources so we can make this website operate as described here.
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Image of Sycamore Seedpods:
Types of Maples in North America & their differences from one another:: http://www.uvm.edu/~pmrc/wilmot_america.pdf
Other Photos & Database Entry by Distance Everheart: 10-24-14