Location Summary
Range: North America & Europe
Frequency: common
Time-of-Year: late spring to late autumn
Substrate: on rotten wood and damp soil, ashes, wet leaves or bracket fungi
Identification Characteristics
Human Uses
While some list S. scutellata as inedible, others list it as having an unknown edibility. David Arora considers it too small to be of any culinary interest, & it lacks a distinctive smell or taste.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Order: Pezizales
Family: Pyronemataceae
Genus: Scutellinia
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Top photo by Distance Everheart w/ special thanks to the 2012 U.C. Berkeley Fungus Fair!
Close-up photo from: http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/pictures/showphoto.php/photo/103180/size/big
Bibliography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutellinia_scutellata
Database Entry: Distance Everheart 1-14-14 10-20-14