{Bulgaria inquinans}
Temporary Note: In its adult stage, the fruiting body of this mushroom appears as described below. There will be a separate database entry for its younger forms, so that
this database entry can be put into a set of identification keys
the identification keys on this website can be designed to be time-of-year specific
Location Summary
Range: widely distributed throughout North America
Substrate: decaying Oak & Tanoaks
Fruiting Duration: late summer & fall (over winter in warm climates)
Identification Characteristics
Ecological Role: Saprobe
Spore Colour: white, cream, or yellowish
Growth Formation: growing alone, gregariously, or (more commonly) in clusters
No Known Human Uses Yet
Bibliography: MushroomExpert.com, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria_inquinans, 2012 U.C. Berkeley Fungus Fair, http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/gallery/DisplayBlock~bid~5672.asp
Photos & Database Entry: Distance Everheart 1-7-14
Special thanks to the 2012 U.C. Berkeley Fungus Fair!