Anaptychia setifera
Location Summary
Substrate: On bark & wood. On limy cliffs, in full sun or partial shade especially overlooking streams or lakes; rarely on shrubs.
Range: Mainly north of US, rare on immediate coast.
Identification Characteristics
Description: ; Soredia & isidia absent; lower surface white, with a fibrous groove or channel (lacking a cortex); rhizines absent. Apothecia frequent, raised, with concave, heavily pruinose disks & abundantly ciliate margins. Lobes lacking hyaline hairs but with long cilia.
Color: pale gray to smoky gray-brown.
Shape: Thallus foliose to fruticose, consisting of very long, narrow, abundantly branched lobes in cushions or, more frequently, in pendant clumps up to 8 cm long. Has a slightly fuzzy surface. Lobes 0.3-0.5 (-1.5) mm wide.
Cilia: Long, tapered, pale gray to balck, unbranched or forked cilia all along the margins.
Lookalikes: Heterodermia leucomela has similar long, linear lobes & long, black cilia, but it is usually paler & the lobe tips are sorediate. Its cortex is K+ yellow (atranorin). The rare Californian species Teloschistes californicus has fuzzy, gray, subfruticose branches, but they are much broader & irregular & are not ciliate.
Bibliography: Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest, by Bruce McCune & Linda Geiser, Lichens of North America, by Brodo, Sharnoff, & Sharnoff
Database Entry: Distance Everheart 12-26-13