Sagebrush leaves make a very effective, lasting deodorant & have a very pleasant smell. They can be rubbed on the underarms dry or wet. Sage leaves are antibacterial, antimicrobial, & antiviral.
Visit Sagebrush {Artemisia tridentata} here on
Wild Willpower looks forward to filming Richard Lonewolf AND many other teachers & helping them teach everyone firsthand via this site for free- including Positive-Impact Harvesting Techniques so no one ruins the ecosystem or damages the populations of any biological organisms while harvesting-AND to ensure its continued growth! We also need supplies to help compile MUCH more data throughout this site- its a lot of work! We’re currently doing everything we can to fundraise $ 450,000 to acquire our list of needed resources so we can make this website operate as described here. We are in immediate need of a vehicle to finish documenting his new book as well! Even a small amount helps a great deal- we can truly help the world with this one! Please make a tax-deductible donation here.
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Bibliography: Richard Lonewolf
Photo & Database Entry: Distance Everheart 4-18-13, 10-18-14