“Conifer” is the common name for any tree classified within the phylum Pinophyta – also known as Coniferophyta or Coniferae. Conifers are a type of gymnosperm (cone-bearing seed plant). The vast majority are trees, though some are shrubs. [1]
Which of the four descriptions (or photos) below best describe the leaf structure?
Click the green words or photo to continue your search.
#1.) Cylindrical needles growing in clusters – Pine {Pinus sp.} or {Larix sp.}
#2.) Flattened needles – Fir, Hemlock, or Yew
#3.) Scaled leaves – Cypress {Cupressaceae} – (Cedar, Juniper, or Redwood)
#4.) Triangular OR Square-Shaped Needles growing individually from the woody branches – Spruce {Picea sp.}
Identify A Hardwood (Broad-Leafed) Tree
Identify Another Type of Organism
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[1]: Campbell, Reece, “Phylum Coniferophyta”. Biology. 7th. 2005. Print. P. 595
Images of Coniferous leaves saved to Pinterest (author uncited).
Photo #1 (pine needles): http://www.keyword-suggestions.com/cGluZSBuZWVkbGVz/
Photo #2 (flat needles):Northwest Conifer Connectictions, “Focus on Pacific Yew” by Ken Denniston. July 30, 2015: http://nwconifers.blogspot.com/2015/07/focus-on-pacific-yew.html
Photo #3 (cypress leaves): Oregon State University, “Cupressocyparis leylandii”: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/culey3.htm
Photo #4 (spruce needles): Fine Gardening issue 107, “Fir vs. Spruce vs. Pine: How to tell them apart” by Steve Aitken: www.finegardening.com/fir-vs-spruce-vs-pine-how-tell-them-apart
Database Entry: Distance Everheart 9-30-13, 12-21-13, 9-7-2017
This website is being compiled by Wild Willpower.